Thursday, July 5, 2018

10 Best Home Remedies For Premature Ejaculation Treatment

There are some terms connected with our body ailments, which we do not like or probably, hate to face. Premature ejaculation is one of them. This ailment can be best defined as the uncontrolled ejaculation either shortly or before sexual penetration. This symptom occurs when there are less sexual stimuli and without the male’s wish.

This ailment can bring many negative feelings like anxiety and depression in both the partners. As a man, if you are facing the same issue, then fret not, as there are some helpful home remedies to stop premature ejaculation. Before we list them to you, let’s look at the causes and symptoms of this common sexual dysfunction.

What Is Premature Ejaculation?

According to survey reports, nearly 30% of men  suffer from premature ejaculation symptoms, which are seen in men who are on the thresholds of 40 and assumptions can lead to disturbed relationships and broken marriages.

What Should Be The Duration Of Ejaculation?

The name ‘ejaculation’ is coined to the situation when the male ejaculates in less than two minutes during sexual intercourse. There are two types of premature ejaculation:

  • Primary Or Lifelong Ejaculation: This type is mostly connected to the teenager stage, and it will be hard to define the treatment. Usually, the causes are deeply psychological, such as completing the ejaculation fast to avoid being caught.
  • Secondary Or Acquired Ejaculation: This happens in the later stages of life and the main causes triggering this ailment are mainly psychological factors such as relationship issues or stress. When it comes to physical causes, the ailments contributing to PE may be high blood pressure or diabetes.

Causes Of Premature Ejaculation

The real causes of this ailment have not been completely found out. However, the factors have been worked upon. Three decades ago, it was thought that the primary contributing factor was psychological factors, but now science has advanced for a perfect interplay between the mentioned factor and various biological factors.

1. Negative Feelings

The primary cause thought was an ‘unpleasant first sexual encounter.’ In this case, the negative feelings start to emerge during the foreplay. These symptoms take time to cure. The result – the male hurries to a climax, and after ejaculation, he experiences a feeling of guilt. This kind of ailment can also happen when you are having multiple sex partners or in a new relationship. However, as time passes, men learn how to modify their ejaculation.

2. Erectile Dysfunction

Kindly note, premature ejaculation might also be linked to erectile dysfunction, because the anxiety to maintain the performance may lead to outburst in a hurry. The other factors are doubts over sexual performance.

3. Hormonal Imbalance

The other factors that make a mark in the ailment are thyroid issues, imbalances of hormones, lack of some neurotransmitters (positive brain chemicals), etc. Well, you would have a brainwave regarding this ailment and the next reasons as you know will be mainly a damaged nervous system as well as withdrawal effects or side effects of medications.

Home Remedies for Premature Ejaculation Treatment

There is a famous proverb – “The feelings of sex are in the mind and not in the body”. Only when the mind and body are fit, you can lead a happy life. Listed below are some home remedies that will help you stop premature ejaculation. Apart from remedies, talk to your life partner for complete support and to overcome this issue soon.

Method 1: Organic Premature Ejaculation Treatment Methods

1. Pumpkin Seeds

You will be elated to know that pumpkin seeds can increase your performance in the bedroom. One of the major advantages is that the seeds have magnesium, the mineral assisting testosterone to go into the bloodstream. So, here is what you need to try:
  • Step 1: Clean the seeds properly. Then spread them out to dry in the sun.
  • Step 2: Roast with olive oil and then mix with salt and pepper for consumption.
How Does This Work?
The unsaturated fats have components which are good for blood flow and heart, and they can help you in controlling your emotions and preventing premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.

2. Dates

Image result for dates fruits
Dates remind us of Arabic countries where the exotic fruit is found in abundance. Since thousands of years ago, dates were popular in the Arab countries and were depicted in coins and wall carvings. They help with various health issues like heart problems, constipation, anemia, mild bouts of diarrhea, and abdominal cancer. They can also be used to gain weight. Some dieticians are of the opinion that having two dates a day can lead to a healthy and balanced diet. However, for premature ejaculation treatment, follow the instructions given below: 
  • Step 1: Use dry dates for breakfast or have them with milk before going to sleep.
  • Step 2: Include them in sweet recipes.
How Does This Work?
The fruit is rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins, which treats conditions like diarrhea, constipation, sexual dysfunction and stomach problems. The medicinal components that assist in premature ejaculation are flavonoids and estradiol, which can promote sperm quality, increase the weight of testes, and sperm motility. One of the components of dates is sugar that is converted into physical energy for long durations during sex.
According to ancient tradition, a drink made of dates mixed with milk, honey, and cardamom can enhance sexual stamina. Sugar is found in its counterparts: sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Having dates can lead to quick upheavals of energy. To prevent premature ejaculation, you also need proper functioning of nerves which is attainable using the nutrients found on dates. Potassium, the mineral enhances the nervous system functions and also increases the alertness of the human brain.
Dates Are Not Good, If:
  • You are fructose intolerant. You can suffer from diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain and other problems.
  • You are diabetic. Blood sugar levels have to be monitored with the help of a physician.

3. Avocado 

Named as ‘Ahuacuatl’ by the ancient tribe, Aztecs (meaning: Testicle tree), the avocado has a lot of medicinal properties. Avocados are highly helpful in overcoming the problem of premature ejaculation. All you have to do is to eat it raw or try the below recipe for best results:
  • Step 1: Prepare a fruit salad with some fresh fruits.
  • Step 2: Have a bowl of chopped tomatoes, onions, avocados, lime juice, etc.
  • Step 3: Mix orange juice, fresh mint, and fennel seeds.
  • Step 4: Mix them well and consume.
How Does This Work?
It has plenty of antioxidants (glutathione) and minerals. Vitamin E in them helps a man to have better sexual engagement. The minerals it contains are zinc, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, iron, phosphorus, etc. One of the most important is potassium, which assists in maintaining the electrolytes in the human body’s vital functions. The lutein and zeaxanthin are the antioxidants that prevent macular degeneration as well as cataracts. 
If you have taken avocados in a salad, rest assure, that all the fat-soluble nutrients will be absorbed. It also contains monounsaturated fat (good fat). The anti-inflammatory properties of avocado are attributed to the catechins, procyanidins (flavonoids), etc. The Vitamin E present in avocados enhances the intensity of orgasm in an engagement.
Avocado  Is Not Good, If:
  • You pick a fruit that has cracks, dark spots and is soft in nature. If the neck is slim, the fruit has ripened.
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding a baby. Refrain from having avocado.
  • You suffer from latex allergy. You can also suffer from the same if you consume potato, tomato, papaya, banana, chestnut, and kiwifruit.

4. Arugula

There are various names by which this vegetable is known – arugula, roquette, rucola, salad rocket, rucoli, and colewort. The leaves of this plant are smooth with a little tangy taste (mustard taste). In ancient times, Romans and Greeks from 1st Century AD used it to increase their sexual performance and libido. The Arabs have also used this vegetable for the same. Research done at the Al-Nahrain University (year – 2013) proves the positive effects of arugula in enhancing sperm production as well as testosterone levels in mice.
Arugula belongs to the family of cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale, and Brussel sprouts. Arugula leaves are tender with a slightly tangy mustard-like taste. Arugula’s origin traces back to the Mediterranean region, and even today, the vegetable is believed to be a potent aphrodisiac.
How Does This Work?
Most of the nutrients, this vegetable possesses is derived from its family roots. It has minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, and folate. The vitamins include vitamin B6, riboflavin, thiamin, pantothenic acid. The flavonoids perform their part in preventing the body from simple ailments like increasing blood flow to all parts of the body, reduce inflammation in vital organs, enhance the function of blood vessels and prevent cholesterol from sticking to arteries.
It belongs to the Brassica family and has phytochemicals in the range of thiocyanates, indoles, sulforaphane as well as isothiocyanates. The anti-disease effects of this vegetable prevent ailments such as colonbreast, prostate cancers. Similar to kale, vitamin A is found in large quantities (helps in regulation of progesterone) and helps prevent diseases such as oral cavity, lung and skin cancers.
Arugula Is Not Good, If:
  • You have not cooked it properly. The duration of cooking should be perfect. Else, the nutrients are wasted and will not be absorbed by the body.
  • You do not store the vegetable properly. This food item has to be kept dry & refrigerated.
  • You are taking medications for kidney stones. Since arugula is rich in oxalates, the condition might worsen.
  • You are suffering from side effects. Refrain from taking any recipe and consult a doctor immediately. The side effects could be allergies on the tongue, lips, and throat. The symptoms could also be facial swelling known as angioedema. 

5. Oysters

The delicious creatures from the ocean or brackish water are well known as an aphrodisiac from ancient times. History believes that it was used for the same since Second century AD. Oysters can be used in stews and other recipes. Here, we will see how an oyster is stewed.
  • Step 1: Buy oysters from the market. The additional ingredients are one quart of milk, butter (two tablespoons), salt (one teaspoon), white pepper (a quarter of a teaspoon).
  • Step 2: Mix the oysters with water in a bowl and allow it to boil until they become plump.
  • Step 3: Allow it to cool down and then strain the mixture.
  • Step 4: Meanwhile, have the milk ready (You have to boil the milk).
  • Step 5: Once the milk boils, add butter, pepper, and salt.
  • Step 6: Now, add the strained liquid to it. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Step 7: Add the oyster mixture, which you have prepared in step 2.
  • Step 8: Allow the mixture to cool before consuming.
How Does This Work?
The zinc in oysters is responsible for maintaining a healthy sperm count and male hormone testosterone (it is more than 1500 percent of daily requirements of an individual). Zinc can increase the libido of an individual.
The other principal components are vitamin B12, copper, iron, Vitamin D, selenium, riboflavin, vitamin C, sodium, potassium, manganese, and thiamin. The health aspects of these creatures are mainly due to the presence of antioxidants, water, omega-3 fatty acids and good cholesterol.
Vitamin B12 is essential for nerve function, and it prevents the development of cancer. They also have natural proteins, which aid proper metabolism, strengthening muscles, the growth of cells, and repairing tissues.
Also, make a note that oysters contain sufficient amounts of iron, necessary for red blood cells in the body. Having good RBC’s can help prevent anemia (weaknesses in muscles). The cells also get enough oxygen to help the organs carry out their functions, thus giving rise to a healthy body.
Oysters Are Not Good, If:
  • You do not buy oysters from a trusted source. The organism can contain environmental pollutants and toxins.
  • You have high levels of iron. Excess iron in the body can give rise to hemochromatosis.
  • You have a heart disorder. You can develop complications due to high sodium content.
  • You are allergic to shellfish. You can suffer from side effects such as nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, gas, bloating, etc. 

6. Ginger And Honey

Our ancestors always stressed on the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Though science was not advanced in the 20th century, they knew that having natural food boosted the immunity power of the body and prevented simple ailments.
Ginger is one of the favorite spices and herbs in many recipes. It has been used to cure simple ailments such as diarrhea, colic, and arthritis. Ginger is also known as an aphrodisiac for its ability to cure sexual problems such as premature ejaculation. The combination of ginger and honey has been proved to increase libido, performance, and lustful feelings.
  • Step 1: Grate a tablespoon of ginger and mix with honey.
  • Step 2: Consume the mixture for a month every day (the same amount) and you can feel the difference.
How Does This Work?
The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of ginger are due to the presence of components such as caffeic acid, salicylate, curcumin, capsaicin, beta-carotene, gingerol, and shogaol. The medicinal properties can help reduce the gastrointestinal irritation, trigger saliva, and bile production when needed.
Drinking ginger tea can make the body change its body reactions. In fact, heart rate gets faster. Also, it helps in proper circulation of blood, detoxification, and cleansing. Increased blood flow results in solving erectile dysfunction problems. Honey, in different areas, can have various tastes and medicinal properties.

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